Below you will find all of our available Pomeranian pups. Pomeranian Puppies will be posted oldest first and with their litter mates but girls are posted first. All puppies will be vet checked before leaving, have first shots, be microchipped, have their akc or ckc paperwork and leave with a health guarantee. Deposits are non-refundable
Grace is a Chocolate and tan parti girl charting 5-6lbs. She is an active little girl and very outgoing. She loves to run around and play with kids and other dogs. This litter is from 4lb dad and 5lb mama. They’ll have first shots, be vet checked, be microchipped, have full akc paperwork and leave with a health guarantee. A non refund deposit of $300 holds and balance is due at pickup once pups are 8 weeks and weight at least 1 1/2lbs.
Sonic looks Like a hedgehog and is all over the place looking for a friend and attentio. Loves kids, dogs and toys. He’s a lot of fun in a small package. Puppies will be small at 4-5lbs grown as This litter is from 4lb dad and 5lb mama. They’ll have first shots, be vet checked, be microchipped, have full akc paperwork and leave with a health guarantee. A non refund deposit of $300 holds and balance is due at pickup once pups are 8 weeks and weight at least 1 1/2lbs.
Joey is a Tiny black and tan parti boy. He gets his name from reminding us of a baby Joey kangaroo because he loves to be carried and is a calm cuddler but also wags his tail and loves attention. He's charting to be 4-5lbs. This litter is from 4lb dad and 5lb mama. They’ll have first shots, be vet checked, be microchipped, have full akc paperwork and leave with a health guarantee. A non refund deposit of $300 holds and balance is due at pickup once pups are 8 weeks and weight at least 1 1/2lbs.
Chase is a Blue Merle boy from Wolfie and Oliver and is so very playful and a joy to have around. He loves to play games and likes to hide and pop out and chase you. He absolutely loves children and other dogs. Pups will be vet checked, have age appropriate shots, be microchipped and leave with their ckc paperwork and a health guarantee . A deposit to hold is $200 and the balance is due at pickup.
Mr Frosty is a Solid cream boy from Wolfie and Oliver. He's social and outgoing but is also the calm one of the 2 and loves to sit in your lap and get snuggle time. He loves kids and other dogs and is so fun to have Around. ready 01/07. Pups will be vet checked, have age appropriate shots, be microchipped and leave with their ckc paperwork and a health guarantee . A deposit to hold is $200 and the balance is due at pickup.
This is a beautiful Orange sable girl. She is too young to get her charted weight but she is smallest. dad is 7lbs mom is 8. All pups are vet checked, have age appropriate shots, are microchipped, leave with a health guarantee, full registration and are litter box trained. A non-refundable deposit of $300 holds
This is a beautiful Lavender merle boy. He is too young to get a charted weight but dad is 7lbs mom is 8. All pups are vet checked, have age appropriate shots, are microchipped, leave with a health guarantee, full registration and are litter box trained. A non-refundable deposit of $300 holds
This is a beautiful blue with white chest boy. He is too young to get a charted weight but dad is 7lbs mom is 8. All pups are vet checked, have age appropriate shots, are microchipped, leave with a health guarantee, full registration and are litter box trained. A non-refundable deposit of $200 holds
All pups are vet checked, have age appropriate shots, are microchipped, leave with a health guarantee, full registration and are litter box trained. A non-refundable deposit of $300 holds We are In Trion Ga but do deliver for a fee when we have 2 or more puppies going in the same direction. Message and ask.
All pups are vet checked, have age appropriate shots, are microchipped, leave with a health guarantee, full registration and are litter box trained. A non-refundable deposit of $300 holds We are In Trion Ga but do deliver for a fee when we have 2 or more puppies going in the same direction. Message and ask.
All pups are vet checked, have age appropriate shots, are microchipped, leave with a health guarantee, full registration and are litter box trained. A non-refundable deposit of $300 holds We are In Trion Ga but do deliver for a fee when we have 2 or more puppies going in the same direction. Message and ask.
All pups are vet checked, have age appropriate shots, are microchipped, leave with a health guarantee, full registration and are litter box trained. A non-refundable deposit of $300 holds We are In Trion Ga but do deliver for a fee when we have 2 or more puppies going in the same direction. Message and ask.
All pups are vet checked, have age appropriate shots, are microchipped, leave with a health guarantee, full registration and are litter box trained. A non-refundable deposit of $300 holds We are In Trion Ga but do deliver for a fee when we have 2 or more puppies going in the same direction. Message and ask.
All pups are vet checked, have age appropriate shots, are microchipped, leave with a health guarantee, full registration and are litter box trained. A non-refundable deposit of $300 holds. We are in Trion Ga but do deliver for a fee when we have 2 or more puppies going in the same direction
White Girl and smallest of the litter. All pups are vet checked, have age appropriate shots, are microchipped, leave with a health guarantee, full registration and are litter box trained. A non-refundable deposit of $300 holds. We are in Trion Ga but do deliver for a fee when we have 2 or more puppies going in the same direction
All pups are vet checked, have age appropriate shots, are microchipped, leave with a health guarantee, full registration and are litter box trained. A non-refundable deposit of $300 holds. We are in Trion Ga but do deliver for a fee when we have 2 or more puppies going in the same direction
A non-refundable deposit of $300 is required to hold a pup and the balance is due at pickup.
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