Below you will find all of our available pups. Pups will be posted oldest first and with their litter mates but girls are posted first. All puppies will be vet checked before leaving, have first shots, be microchipped, have their akc or ckc paperwork and leave with a health guarantee. Deposits are non-refundable
This handsome boy is more laid back and calm than his smaller, more active littermates. He has a big thick coat and loves to be held and cuddled. He is the biggest of his litter and is charting to be 9-10lbs He is the perfect size for a family with children. Pups will be vet checked, have age appropriate shots. be microchipped and leave with a health guarantee. Pups are also about 90% litter box trained before leaving. A deposit of $200 is required to hold. We can deliver within 300 miles for a
This Black parti boy Is a trip to watch running around. He is very happy and playful and would love a friend To play with. Ckc registered. He is 13 weeks old. Mom is 6lbs dad is 7 . Pups will be ckc registered, vet checked, have age appropriate shots, be microchipped and leave with a health guarantee. Pups are also about 90% litter box trained before leaving. A deposit of $200 is required to hold. We can deliver within 300 miles for a fee.
This boy is charting to be 6lbs grown. He is very outgoing and playful but also calmer than some of the others and knows when it’s time to settle down for some cuddle time. He is from 6lb Bella and 5lb Hershey. He’s been vet checked, had age appropriate shots, been microchipped and will leave with his paperwork and a health guarantee. All of my pups are also litter box training. A deposit of $200 is required to hold and the balance is due at pickup.
Below you will find our available AKC registered pups. They’re posted in order by the day they were born so oldest will be posted first and then girls will be listed in each litter before the boys are listed in that litter.
This orange sable boy is 12 weeks and can leave now. He is very friendly and out going and loves children. He is currently charting to be 6lbs even. He is from 6lb Pepper and 7lb Blu. He is doing really great with using the litter box and has seen the vet and had 2 sets of shots and is microchipped. For more info on him feel free to message me. I’m located in Ga near Atlanta and will be down in Conyers Ga next weekend.
Blue and tan girl with full akc. Mama mocha is AKC chocolate and tan and is big at 12lbs and Blu is AKC and embark dna tested and clear and is Blue and Tan and weighs 7lbs. All pups will be vet checked, have age appropriate shots, be microchipped, be 90% litter box trained, leave with full registration and a health guarantee. A deposit of $300 holds until pickup.
Black and tan boy with full akc. Mama mocha is AKC chocolate and tan and is big at 12lbs and Blu is AKC and embark dna tested and clear and is Blue and Tan and weighs 7lbs. All pups will be vet checked, have age appropriate shots, be microchipped, be 90% litter box trained, leave with full registration and a health guarantee. A deposit of $300 holds until pickup.
Bakc Tri parti boy with full akc. Mama mocha is AKC chocolate and tan and is big at 12lbs and Blu is AKC and embark dna tested and clear and is Blue and Tan and weighs 7lbs. All pups will be vet checked, have age appropriate shots, be microchipped, be 90% litter box trained, leave with full registration and a health guarantee. A deposit of $300 holds until pickup.
Jasmine and Olivers solid cream girl. Pups leave with full akc and both parents have babydoll faces. A deposit of $300 holds and the balance is due at pickup.
Jasmine and Olivers black n tan girl 1. Pups leave with full akc and both parents have babydoll faces. A deposit of $300 holds and the balance is due at pickup.
Jasmine and Olivers black n tan girl 2. Pups leave with full akc and both parents have babydoll faces. A deposit of $300 holds and the balance is due at pickup. Ready 10/12
Jasmine and Olivers black n tan boy 1. Pups leave with full akc and both parents have babydoll faces. A deposit of $300 holds and the balance is due at pickup. Ready 10/12
Jasmine and Olivers black n tan boy 2. Pups leave with full akc and both parents have babydoll faces. A deposit of $300 holds and the balance is due at pickup.
A non-refundable deposit of $300 is required to hold a pup and the balance is due at pickup.
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